About Us


From lovers of fashion to lovers of each other and back again ad infinitum. Our pashion for fashion drove us together and propells us forward with the love of each other our family, friends and our brand SANS PEUR Threads.

We hope you like our label and that you share the love that we have for it. We inspire each other and hope to inspire others. We fell in love with each other and we keep falling in love with our label. please enjoy.

SKi n V

Streetwear for the Savvy
Sans Peur, meaning ‘without fear’ originally hailed from my Scottish heritage and the highland Clan Sutherland’s motto. And growing up in the skate/club culture of the late eighties as well as a jam packed lifestyle and career ensconced in the Music, arts, fashion, design and advertising culture combined with a love for T-shirt design saw the birth of his own wearable art, Sans Peur Threads.

Our Story

From London to Australia

The brainchild of London born and bred designer Rob Sutherland, Sans Peur Threads has been in the pipeline for many years. Sans Peur meaning ‘without fear’ which is the highland Clan Sutherland’s motto.

The love for T-shirt designs harks back to the skate/club culture of the late eighties, early nineties. Involved in such legendary clubs as Method Air in London. Where Rob helped build the skate ramp that was used during DJ sets by Carl Cox among many other greats.

The T Shirt also being a huge part of club culture around this time, where street fashion merged with skate fashion and inturn became club fashion. 

‘I remember times when you could get into the coolest clubs in London and New York if you were wearing the right T’.

Inspired by these heady times, skate and snowboard graphics, the legendary French cartoonist Franquin and cult icons of all genres, Sans Peur was born.

Creating a unique blend of iconic imagery and cartoon inspired designs to combat the ‘splurge’ infested T-shirt markets of the present.

Sans Peur have their roots firmly ensconced in the skate and snowboard cultures of which they have been a part, for so long.

‘We wanted to wear something we had created rather than that of someone else. If other people like our designs too, then great!’

With a philosophy like this and a passion for their own individual, wearable art and fashion label, Sans Peur will be branching out into other areas of fashion soon, watch out for Sans Peur jeans, jackets, trainers and shorts.